Turn of the century charm and a double lot. This gabled-ell house dating to 1890s has a beautiful spindlework porch with turned posts, tall windows and wood floors. We’ll be completely restoring it, making it energy efficient and installing a new kitchen and bathroom to this two bedroom house. Includes a small garage.
Estimated price $89,900.
For more information, contact Steve at 336-0909 or [email protected].
All BRI properties are sold with protective covenants requiring BRI approval of any exterior alteration of existing structures or new construction. Buyers of houses in the Affordable Housing Program must make less than 80 percent of the county’s median income. Those annual income limits, by household size, are: one person, $41,350; two people, $47,250; three people, $53,150; and four people, $59,050. The houses are sold with affordability deed restrictions that require that the house remain affordable for 10 years after the initial sale. The new owner must live in the house for 10 years or sell to another buyer who meets the income restrictions.