Farmstead Open Day Saturday Dec. 7

Bloomington Restorations, Inc. (BRI) invites you to the next Museum Open Day at the Hinkle-Garton Farmstead 1-4 p.m. Saturday, December 7, 2024.
“Holiday Home” is the theme for this Seasonal Open Day. Decorations, Music, and Fun will be shared to interpret the themes surrounding A Farmstead Christmas. In addition, a beautifully decorated Victorian Christmas Tree donated by Farmstead volunteers, Marsha and Greg Harrington will be on display. In the Parlor, various musicians will perform Holiday Music renditions. Mark Wiedenmayer and his company will fill the Farmhouse with song and sing-along. The Farmhouse will be open for tours.
The Farmstead will be hosting a Holiday Bazaar at the Celebration. Volunteer Janette Robertson, quilter and seamstress, will be offering some of her homespun creations for sale. These handmade and beautiful items will make for GREAT gift giving! She will be donating a percentage of the sales to the Farmstead. Janette is a talented maker and these items include quilts, hats, aprons, pillows, towels, clothing, and other treasured creations.
The delightful cookbook “Call to Lunch,” a collection of Daisy Hinkle-Garton’s recipes with cover artwork by Kitty Garlock, will be for sale. These historic recipes have been organized into categories of Sides, Salads and Dressing, Bread, Soup, Breakfast, Main Courses, Vegetarian, International, Dessert, Cookies and Candy.
The book on BRI affordable housing programs, “From Historic Ruins to Affordable Homes, Saving Bloomington Vintage Cottages” will be offered for sale. In addition, offered for sale will be maple syrup made at the Farmstead while supplies last.
***Please note that there will not be a November Open Day. We will resume our Open Days on February 22, 2025
The Hinkle-Garton Farmstead is sending a call out for Volunteers who might be interested in assisting with Farmstead tours. Tours are held on the last Saturday of certain months from 1-4 p.m. Volunteer duties include introducing visitors to the Farmstead history and acting as docents/hosts for the afternoon. Our Open Days are conducted in a very easy-going atmosphere, minimal training and commitment required and always under supervision and guidance. All that would be required is an ability to pleasantly engage the public and a 1-1/2 hour training. If interested please contact LeAnn Luce, Hinkle-Garton Farmstead Open Days and Events Coordinator at: [email protected] for more information.
The farmstead, located at 2920 E. 10th Street in Bloomington, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is owned and maintained by Bloomington Restorations, Inc., an organization committed to the preservation of historic properties in Monroe County. The farmstead is free and open to the public on the last Saturday of most months. For more information, call BRI at 812-336-0909 or visit the site on Facebook at