Order “Call to Lunch,” the collection of recipes from Daisy Hinkle-Garton.

You can buy the book and pick it up at BRI’s headquarters, the Hinkle Garton Farmstead at 2920 E. Tenth St., for $14.95. We’ll contact you to arrange a pick-up time. Or you can have it shipped to you for four dollars more.
Sylvia Beaver and LeAnn Ernst Luce, Hinkle-Garton Farmstead volunteers, began the cookbook project in 2019. They found saved in Daisy’s collection of recipes hundreds of clippings from newspapers and magazines, recipes handwritten on backs of envelopes and cards, as well as a collection of index cards. Daisy was a creative cook in her selections of recipes which include traditional dishes, holiday, vegetarian and international foods. Sylvia and LeAnn drew from this collection to create this cookbook of Daisy’s recipes.
Order “From Historic Ruins to Affordable Homes: Saving Bloomington’s Vintage Cottages“

You can buy the book and pick it up at BRI’s headquarters, the Hinkle Garton Farmstead at 2920 E. Tenth St., for $25.95. We’ll contact you to arrange a pick-up time. Or you can have it shipped to you for four dollars more.
This presentation of the history of our affordable housing program shows how small, dilapidated old houses can be made useful again. Perhaps uniquely, the Bloomington Restorations, Inc., program combines the restoration of small, vintage homes with their sale to first-time owners whose household incomes meet HUD guidelines.
With pictures, stories, and testimonies from owners, we tell the stories of our 29 completed affordable homes. Perhaps our story may stimulate others to undertake similar rescue operations, whether as members of a preservation group like ours or as individuals who seek to give new life to an appealing but timeworn old house.